Department Name
Box Alarm Type
Tech Rescue
Effective Date
7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM
MABAS Division
Box Alarm #
Location or Area
District Wide
Authorized Signature
Alarm Level Engines Tenders Squads TRT Teams EMS Chiefs Special Equipment Change of Quarters
Still Davis Davis Tri-District Davis Pecatonica to Tri-District Station
Working Still
Box Durand Rock City MABAS Division 17 Pecatonica Move to Scene
Rock City MD-1
OSF Lifeflight
(By Request)
Star Ambulance to Tri District Station
2nd German Valley Orangeville Star Ambulance move to scene
Freeport City REACT Helicopter
(By Request)
Metro to Tri District
Chief - Cedarville
Engine - Pecatonica
Tender - Northwest
3rd Rockton MABAS Division 8 Harlem Roscoe
Freeport Rural
4th Green County EMS
Pearl City
Interdivisional Request
1st Choice
Division 8
2nd Choice
Division 18
3rd Choice
Division 104
INFORMATION: Special Instructions: Ogle County - Division 18 (815)732-2136 1. Byron 2. Davis Junction 3. Monroe Center 4. Mount Morris 5. Rochelle 6. Stillman Valley, Salvation Army Canteen - 815-650-4083 Chief - Caleb Feltmeyer 815-994-6436 Dep Chief - Mark Warnecke 224-275-3346 Lt. - Jeff Kunz 815-990-2933

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